Voxeliens is now on GamersGate

In January of this year we received an email from Daniel Hjelmtorp (Executive VP of GamersGate) explaining that they had seen the initial screenshots of Voxeliens and were keen to sell it through their website. It was really motivating for us to know that a well established player in the industry thought our game had some potential, and so we’re pleased to announce that GamersGate has today become the first distribution service to be carrying Voxeliens! You can find it at this link, or by clicking on the GamersGate logo below.

Thanks to the GamersGate team for their support!


What next for Voxeliens?

Hello again! Well it’s been a busy couple of weeks but, with the Windows version of Voxeliens finally out of the door, I thought it would be useful to update everyone on our plans for the next couple of months. Getting the game released was a huge milestone but it’s not the end of the project yet 😉

I’ve spent some time over the last week tweaking the payment system. I’ll talk more about this in a future blog post, but basically we wanted a smoother experience. For example, the price displayed now include VAT so there are no more surprises when you reach the checkout stage. We’ve also removed the address and phone number requirements for PayPal orders.

I’m also pleased to announce that we expect to have Voxeliens on GamersGate within the next few weeks. GamersGate contacted us after they saw the initial set of screenshots which we released in December, and I’m currently preparing the material needed to build our product page on their website. Hopefully there will be more news about this in the near future.

After that the priority is the Linux version. Matt will have an important role here as he knows Linux better than I do, but I’m hoping the port won’t be too difficult. We need to port the shaders to GLSL and remove some Windows-specific input code, but we had cross-platform support in mind from the start. We’ll probably also want some Linux testers so stay tuned if you’re interested.

So that’s the immediate plan. There will also be some longer term investment in Voxeliens in terms of getting it onto other distribution sites, running promotional activities, etc, but I expect that in a couple of months we will be able to get back to PolyVox and have a think about our next project.
