PolyVox  0.2.1
Open source voxel management library
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*******************************************************************************
2 Copyright (c) 2005-2009 David Williams
4 This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
5 warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
6 arising from the use of this software.
8 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
9 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
10 freely, subject to the following restrictions:
12  1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
13  claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
14  in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
15  appreciated but is not required.
17  2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
18  misrepresented as being the original software.
20  3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
21  distribution.
22 *******************************************************************************/
24 //Included here rather than in the .h because it refers to LargeVolume (avoids forward declaration)
27 namespace PolyVox
28 {
35  template <typename VoxelType>
37  (
38  polyvox_function<void(const ConstVolumeProxy<VoxelType>&, const Region&)> dataRequiredHandler,
39  polyvox_function<void(const ConstVolumeProxy<VoxelType>&, const Region&)> dataOverflowHandler,
40  uint16_t uBlockSideLength
41  )
43  {
44  m_funcDataRequiredHandler = dataRequiredHandler;
45  m_funcDataOverflowHandler = dataOverflowHandler;
46  m_bPagingEnabled = true;
47  //Create a volume of the right size.
48  initialise(Region::MaxRegion,uBlockSideLength);
49  }
59  template <typename VoxelType>
61  (
62  const Region& regValid,
63  polyvox_function<void(const ConstVolumeProxy<VoxelType>&, const Region&)> dataRequiredHandler,
64  polyvox_function<void(const ConstVolumeProxy<VoxelType>&, const Region&)> dataOverflowHandler,
65  bool bPagingEnabled,
66  uint16_t uBlockSideLength
67  )
68  :BaseVolume<VoxelType>(regValid)
69  {
70  m_funcDataRequiredHandler = dataRequiredHandler;
71  m_funcDataOverflowHandler = dataOverflowHandler;
72  m_bPagingEnabled = bPagingEnabled;
74  //Create a volume of the right size.
75  initialise(regValid,uBlockSideLength);
76  }
85  template <typename VoxelType>
87  {
88  assert(false); // See function comment above.
89  }
94  template <typename VoxelType>
96  {
97  flushAll();
98  delete[] m_pUncompressedBorderData;
99  }
108  template <typename VoxelType>
110  {
111  assert(false); // See function comment above.
112  }
119  template <typename VoxelType>
121  {
122  return *m_pUncompressedBorderData;
123  }
131  template <typename VoxelType>
133  {
134  if(this->m_regValidRegion.containsPoint(Vector3DInt32(uXPos, uYPos, uZPos)))
135  {
136  const int32_t blockX = uXPos >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower;
137  const int32_t blockY = uYPos >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower;
138  const int32_t blockZ = uZPos >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower;
140  const uint16_t xOffset = static_cast<uint16_t>(uXPos - (blockX << m_uBlockSideLengthPower));
141  const uint16_t yOffset = static_cast<uint16_t>(uYPos - (blockY << m_uBlockSideLengthPower));
142  const uint16_t zOffset = static_cast<uint16_t>(uZPos - (blockZ << m_uBlockSideLengthPower));
144  Block<VoxelType>* pUncompressedBlock = getUncompressedBlock(blockX, blockY, blockZ);
146  return pUncompressedBlock->getVoxelAt(xOffset,yOffset,zOffset);
147  }
148  else
149  {
150  return getBorderValue();
151  }
152  }
158  template <typename VoxelType>
160  {
161  return getVoxelAt(v3dPos.getX(), v3dPos.getY(), v3dPos.getZ());
162  }
168  template <typename VoxelType>
169  void LargeVolume<VoxelType>::setCompressionEnabled(bool bCompressionEnabled)
170  {
171  //Early out - nothing to do
172  if(m_bCompressionEnabled == bCompressionEnabled)
173  {
174  return;
175  }
177  m_bCompressionEnabled = bCompressionEnabled;
179  if(m_bCompressionEnabled)
180  {
181  //If compression has been enabled then we need to start honouring the max number of
182  //uncompressed blocks. Because compression has been disabled for a while we might have
183  //gone above that limit. Easiest solution is just to clear the cache and start again.
184  clearBlockCache();
185  }
186  }
194  template <typename VoxelType>
195  void LargeVolume<VoxelType>::setMaxNumberOfUncompressedBlocks(uint32_t uMaxNumberOfUncompressedBlocks)
196  {
197  clearBlockCache();
199  m_uMaxNumberOfUncompressedBlocks = uMaxNumberOfUncompressedBlocks;
200  }
206  template <typename VoxelType>
207  void LargeVolume<VoxelType>::setMaxNumberOfBlocksInMemory(uint32_t uMaxNumberOfBlocksInMemory)
208  {
209  if(m_pBlocks.size() > uMaxNumberOfBlocksInMemory)
210  {
211  flushAll();
212  }
213  m_uMaxNumberOfBlocksInMemory = uMaxNumberOfBlocksInMemory;
214  }
219  template <typename VoxelType>
221  {
222  /*Block<VoxelType>* pUncompressedBorderBlock = getUncompressedBlock(&m_pBorderBlock);
223  return pUncompressedBorderBlock->fill(tBorder);*/
224  std::fill(m_pUncompressedBorderData, m_pUncompressedBorderData + m_uBlockSideLength * m_uBlockSideLength * m_uBlockSideLength, tBorder);
225  }
234  template <typename VoxelType>
236  {
237  assert(this->m_regValidRegion.containsPoint(Vector3DInt32(uXPos, uYPos, uZPos)));
239  const int32_t blockX = uXPos >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower;
240  const int32_t blockY = uYPos >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower;
241  const int32_t blockZ = uZPos >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower;
243  const uint16_t xOffset = static_cast<uint16_t>(uXPos - (blockX << m_uBlockSideLengthPower));
244  const uint16_t yOffset = static_cast<uint16_t>(uYPos - (blockY << m_uBlockSideLengthPower));
245  const uint16_t zOffset = static_cast<uint16_t>(uZPos - (blockZ << m_uBlockSideLengthPower));
247  Block<VoxelType>* pUncompressedBlock = getUncompressedBlock(blockX, blockY, blockZ);
249  pUncompressedBlock->setVoxelAt(xOffset,yOffset,zOffset, tValue);
251  //Return true to indicate that we modified a voxel.
252  return true;
253  }
260  template <typename VoxelType>
262  {
263  return setVoxelAt(v3dPos.getX(), v3dPos.getY(), v3dPos.getZ(), tValue);
264  }
271  template <typename VoxelType>
273  {
274  Vector3DInt32 v3dStart;
275  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
276  {
277  v3dStart.setElement(i, regPrefetch.getLowerCorner().getElement(i) >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
278  }
280  Vector3DInt32 v3dEnd;
281  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
282  {
283  v3dEnd.setElement(i, regPrefetch.getUpperCorner().getElement(i) >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
284  }
286  Vector3DInt32 v3dSize = v3dEnd - v3dStart + Vector3DInt32(1,1,1);
287  uint32_t numblocks = static_cast<uint32_t>(v3dSize.getX() * v3dSize.getY() * v3dSize.getZ());
288  if(numblocks > m_uMaxNumberOfBlocksInMemory)
289  {
290  // cannot support the amount of blocks... so only load the maximum possible
291  numblocks = m_uMaxNumberOfBlocksInMemory;
292  }
293  for(int32_t x = v3dStart.getX(); x <= v3dEnd.getX(); x++)
294  {
295  for(int32_t y = v3dStart.getY(); y <= v3dEnd.getY(); y++)
296  {
297  for(int32_t z = v3dStart.getZ(); z <= v3dEnd.getZ(); z++)
298  {
299  Vector3DInt32 pos(x,y,z);
300  typename std::map<Vector3DInt32, LoadedBlock>::iterator itBlock = m_pBlocks.find(pos);
302  if(itBlock != m_pBlocks.end())
303  {
304  // If the block is already loaded then we don't load it again. This means it does not get uncompressed,
305  // whereas if we were to call getUncompressedBlock() regardless then it would also get uncompressed.
306  // This might be nice, but on the prefetch region could be bigger than the uncompressed cache size.
307  // This would limit the amount of prefetching we could do.
308  continue;
309  }
311  if(numblocks == 0)
312  {
313  // Loading any more blocks would attempt to overflow the memory and therefore erase blocks
314  // we loaded in the beginning. This wouldn't cause logic problems but would be wasteful.
315  return;
316  }
317  // load a block
318  numblocks--;
319  getUncompressedBlock(x,y,z);
320  } // for z
321  } // for y
322  } // for x
323  }
328  template <typename VoxelType>
330  {
331  typename std::map<Vector3DInt32, LoadedBlock >::iterator i;
332  //Replaced the for loop here as the call to
333  //eraseBlock was invalidating the iterator.
334  while(m_pBlocks.size() > 0)
335  {
336  eraseBlock(m_pBlocks.begin());
337  }
338  }
343  template <typename VoxelType>
345  {
346  Vector3DInt32 v3dStart;
347  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
348  {
349  v3dStart.setElement(i, regFlush.getLowerCorner().getElement(i) >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
350  }
352  Vector3DInt32 v3dEnd;
353  for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
354  {
355  v3dEnd.setElement(i, regFlush.getUpperCorner().getElement(i) >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
356  }
358  for(int32_t x = v3dStart.getX(); x <= v3dEnd.getX(); x++)
359  {
360  for(int32_t y = v3dStart.getY(); y <= v3dEnd.getY(); y++)
361  {
362  for(int32_t z = v3dStart.getZ(); z <= v3dEnd.getZ(); z++)
363  {
364  Vector3DInt32 pos(x,y,z);
365  typename std::map<Vector3DInt32, LoadedBlock>::iterator itBlock = m_pBlocks.find(pos);
366  if(itBlock == m_pBlocks.end())
367  {
368  // not loaded, not unloading
369  continue;
370  }
371  eraseBlock(itBlock);
372  // eraseBlock might cause a call to getUncompressedBlock, which again sets m_pLastAccessedBlock
373  if(m_v3dLastAccessedBlockPos == pos)
374  {
375  m_pLastAccessedBlock = 0;
376  }
377  } // for z
378  } // for y
379  } // for x
380  }
385  template <typename VoxelType>
387  {
388  for(uint32_t ct = 0; ct < m_vecUncompressedBlockCache.size(); ct++)
389  {
390  m_vecUncompressedBlockCache[ct]->block.compress();
391  }
392  m_vecUncompressedBlockCache.clear();
393  }
398  template <typename VoxelType>
399  void LargeVolume<VoxelType>::initialise(const Region& regValidRegion, uint16_t uBlockSideLength)
400  {
401  //Debug mode validation
402  assert(uBlockSideLength > 0);
404  //Release mode validation
405  if(uBlockSideLength == 0)
406  {
407  throw std::invalid_argument("Block side length cannot be zero.");
408  }
409  if(!isPowerOf2(uBlockSideLength))
410  {
411  throw std::invalid_argument("Block side length must be a power of two.");
412  }
414  m_uTimestamper = 0;
415  m_uMaxNumberOfUncompressedBlocks = 16;
416  m_uBlockSideLength = uBlockSideLength;
417  m_pUncompressedBorderData = 0;
418  m_uMaxNumberOfBlocksInMemory = 1024;
419  m_v3dLastAccessedBlockPos = Vector3DInt32(0,0,0); //There are no invalid positions, but initially the m_pLastAccessedBlock pointer will be null;
420  m_pLastAccessedBlock = 0;
421  m_bCompressionEnabled = true;
423  this->m_regValidRegion = regValidRegion;
425  //m_regValidRegionInBlocks.setLowerCorner(this->m_regValidRegion.getLowerCorner() / static_cast<int32_t>(uBlockSideLength));
426  //m_regValidRegionInBlocks.setUpperCorner(this->m_regValidRegion.getUpperCorner() / static_cast<int32_t>(uBlockSideLength));
427  //Compute the block side length
428  m_uBlockSideLength = uBlockSideLength;
429  m_uBlockSideLengthPower = logBase2(m_uBlockSideLength);
430  //m_regValidRegionInBlocks.setLowerX(this->m_regValidRegion.getLowerX() >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
431  //m_regValidRegionInBlocks.setLowerY(this->m_regValidRegion.getLowerY() >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
432  //m_regValidRegionInBlocks.setLowerZ(this->m_regValidRegion.getLowerZ() >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
433  m_regValidRegionInBlocks.setLowerCorner(Vector3DInt32(this->m_regValidRegion.getLowerCorner().getX() >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower, this->m_regValidRegion.getLowerCorner().getY() >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower, this->m_regValidRegion.getLowerCorner().getZ() >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower));
434  //m_regValidRegionInBlocks.setUpperX(this->m_regValidRegion.getUpperX() >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
435  //m_regValidRegionInBlocks.setUpperY(this->m_regValidRegion.getUpperY() >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
436  //m_regValidRegionInBlocks.setUpperZ(this->m_regValidRegion.getUpperZ() >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
437  m_regValidRegionInBlocks.setUpperCorner(Vector3DInt32(this->m_regValidRegion.getUpperCorner().getX() >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower, this->m_regValidRegion.getUpperCorner().getY() >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower, this->m_regValidRegion.getUpperCorner().getZ() >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower));
439  setMaxNumberOfUncompressedBlocks(m_uMaxNumberOfUncompressedBlocks);
441  //Clear the previous data
442  m_pBlocks.clear();
444  //Clear the previous data
445  m_pBlocks.clear();
447  //Create the border block
448  m_pUncompressedBorderData = new VoxelType[m_uBlockSideLength * m_uBlockSideLength * m_uBlockSideLength];
449  std::fill(m_pUncompressedBorderData, m_pUncompressedBorderData + m_uBlockSideLength * m_uBlockSideLength * m_uBlockSideLength, VoxelType());
451  //Other properties we might find useful later
452  this->m_uLongestSideLength = (std::max)((std::max)(this->getWidth(),this->getHeight()),this->getDepth());
453  this->m_uShortestSideLength = (std::min)((std::min)(this->getWidth(),this->getHeight()),this->getDepth());
454  this->m_fDiagonalLength = sqrtf(static_cast<float>(this->getWidth() * this->getWidth() + this->getHeight() * this->getHeight() + this->getDepth() * this->getDepth()));
455  }
457  template <typename VoxelType>
458  void LargeVolume<VoxelType>::eraseBlock(typename std::map<Vector3DInt32, LoadedBlock >::iterator itBlock) const
459  {
460  if(m_funcDataOverflowHandler)
461  {
462  Vector3DInt32 v3dPos = itBlock->first;
463  Vector3DInt32 v3dLower(v3dPos.getX() << m_uBlockSideLengthPower, v3dPos.getY() << m_uBlockSideLengthPower, v3dPos.getZ() << m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
464  Vector3DInt32 v3dUpper = v3dLower + Vector3DInt32(m_uBlockSideLength-1, m_uBlockSideLength-1, m_uBlockSideLength-1);
466  Region reg(v3dLower, v3dUpper);
467  ConstVolumeProxy<VoxelType> ConstVolumeProxy(*this, reg);
469  m_funcDataOverflowHandler(ConstVolumeProxy, reg);
470  }
471  if(m_bCompressionEnabled) {
472  for(uint32_t ct = 0; ct < m_vecUncompressedBlockCache.size(); ct++)
473  {
474  // find the block in the uncompressed cache
475  if(m_vecUncompressedBlockCache[ct] == &(itBlock->second))
476  {
477  // TODO: compression is unneccessary? or will not compressing this cause a memleak?
478  itBlock->second.block.compress();
479  // put last object in cache here
480  m_vecUncompressedBlockCache[ct] = m_vecUncompressedBlockCache.back();
481  // decrease cache size by one since last element is now in here twice
482  m_vecUncompressedBlockCache.resize(m_vecUncompressedBlockCache.size()-1);
483  break;
484  }
485  }
486  }
487  m_pBlocks.erase(itBlock);
488  }
490  template <typename VoxelType>
491  bool LargeVolume<VoxelType>::setVoxelAtConst(int32_t uXPos, int32_t uYPos, int32_t uZPos, VoxelType tValue) const
492  {
493  //We don't have any range checks in this function because it
494  //is a private function only called by the ConstVolumeProxy. The
495  //ConstVolumeProxy takes care of ensuring the range is appropriate.
497  const int32_t blockX = uXPos >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower;
498  const int32_t blockY = uYPos >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower;
499  const int32_t blockZ = uZPos >> m_uBlockSideLengthPower;
501  const uint16_t xOffset = uXPos - (blockX << m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
502  const uint16_t yOffset = uYPos - (blockY << m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
503  const uint16_t zOffset = uZPos - (blockZ << m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
505  Block<VoxelType>* pUncompressedBlock = getUncompressedBlock(blockX, blockY, blockZ);
507  pUncompressedBlock->setVoxelAt(xOffset,yOffset,zOffset, tValue);
509  //Return true to indicate that we modified a voxel.
510  return true;
511  }
514  template <typename VoxelType>
515  Block<VoxelType>* LargeVolume<VoxelType>::getUncompressedBlock(int32_t uBlockX, int32_t uBlockY, int32_t uBlockZ) const
516  {
517  Vector3DInt32 v3dBlockPos(uBlockX, uBlockY, uBlockZ);
519  //Check if we have the same block as last time, if so there's no need to even update
520  //the time stamp. If we updated it everytime then that would be every time we touched
521  //a voxel, which would overflow a uint32_t and require us to use a uint64_t instead.
522  //This check should also provide a significant speed boost as usually it is true.
523  if((v3dBlockPos == m_v3dLastAccessedBlockPos) && (m_pLastAccessedBlock != 0))
524  {
525  assert(m_pLastAccessedBlock->m_tUncompressedData);
526  return m_pLastAccessedBlock;
527  }
529  typename std::map<Vector3DInt32, LoadedBlock >::iterator itBlock = m_pBlocks.find(v3dBlockPos);
530  // check whether the block is already loaded
531  if(itBlock == m_pBlocks.end())
532  {
533  //The block is not in the map, so we will have to create a new block and add it.
534  //Before we do so, we might want to dump some existing data to make space. We
535  //Only do this if paging is enabled.
536  if(m_bPagingEnabled)
537  {
538  // check wether another block needs to be unloaded before this one can be loaded
539  if(m_pBlocks.size() == m_uMaxNumberOfBlocksInMemory)
540  {
541  // find the least recently used block
542  typename std::map<Vector3DInt32, LoadedBlock >::iterator i;
543  typename std::map<Vector3DInt32, LoadedBlock >::iterator itUnloadBlock = m_pBlocks.begin();
544  for(i = m_pBlocks.begin(); i != m_pBlocks.end(); i++)
545  {
546  if(i->second.timestamp < itUnloadBlock->second.timestamp)
547  {
548  itUnloadBlock = i;
549  }
550  }
551  eraseBlock(itUnloadBlock);
552  }
553  }
555  // create the new block
556  LoadedBlock newBlock(m_uBlockSideLength);
557  itBlock = m_pBlocks.insert(std::make_pair(v3dBlockPos, newBlock)).first;
559  //We have created the new block. If paging is enabled it should be used to
560  //fill in the required data. Otherwise it is just left in the default state.
561  if(m_bPagingEnabled)
562  {
563  if(m_funcDataRequiredHandler)
564  {
565  // "load" will actually call setVoxel, which will in turn call this function again but the block will be found
566  // so this if(itBlock == m_pBlocks.end()) never is entered
567  //FIXME - can we pass the block around so that we don't have to find it again when we recursively call this function?
568  Vector3DInt32 v3dLower(v3dBlockPos.getX() << m_uBlockSideLengthPower, v3dBlockPos.getY() << m_uBlockSideLengthPower, v3dBlockPos.getZ() << m_uBlockSideLengthPower);
569  Vector3DInt32 v3dUpper = v3dLower + Vector3DInt32(m_uBlockSideLength-1, m_uBlockSideLength-1, m_uBlockSideLength-1);
570  Region reg(v3dLower, v3dUpper);
571  ConstVolumeProxy<VoxelType> ConstVolumeProxy(*this, reg);
572  m_funcDataRequiredHandler(ConstVolumeProxy, reg);
573  }
574  }
575  }
577  //Get the block and mark that we accessed it
578  LoadedBlock& loadedBlock = itBlock->second;
579  loadedBlock.timestamp = ++m_uTimestamper;
580  m_v3dLastAccessedBlockPos = v3dBlockPos;
581  m_pLastAccessedBlock = &(loadedBlock.block);
583  if(loadedBlock.block.m_bIsCompressed == false)
584  {
585  assert(m_pLastAccessedBlock->m_tUncompressedData);
586  return m_pLastAccessedBlock;
587  }
589  //If we are allowed to compress then check whether we need to
590  if((m_bCompressionEnabled) && (m_vecUncompressedBlockCache.size() == m_uMaxNumberOfUncompressedBlocks))
591  {
592  int32_t leastRecentlyUsedBlockIndex = -1;
593  uint32_t uLeastRecentTimestamp = (std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max)();
595  //Currently we find the oldest block by iterating over the whole array. Of course we could store the blocks sorted by
596  //timestamp (set, priority_queue, etc) but then we'll need to move them around as the timestamp changes. Can come back
597  //to this if it proves to be a bottleneck (compraed to the cost of actually doing the compression/decompression).
598  for(uint32_t ct = 0; ct < m_vecUncompressedBlockCache.size(); ct++)
599  {
600  if(m_vecUncompressedBlockCache[ct]->timestamp < uLeastRecentTimestamp)
601  {
602  uLeastRecentTimestamp = m_vecUncompressedBlockCache[ct]->timestamp;
603  leastRecentlyUsedBlockIndex = ct;
604  }
605  }
607  //Compress the least recently used block.
608  m_vecUncompressedBlockCache[leastRecentlyUsedBlockIndex]->block.compress();
610  //We don't actually remove any elements from this vector, we
611  //simply change the pointer to point at the new uncompressed bloack.
612  m_vecUncompressedBlockCache[leastRecentlyUsedBlockIndex] = &loadedBlock;
613  }
614  else
615  {
616  m_vecUncompressedBlockCache.push_back(&loadedBlock);
617  }
619  loadedBlock.block.uncompress();
621  m_pLastAccessedBlock = &(loadedBlock.block);
622  assert(m_pLastAccessedBlock->m_tUncompressedData);
623  return m_pLastAccessedBlock;
624  }
629  template <typename VoxelType>
631  {
632  float fRawSize = m_pBlocks.size() * m_uBlockSideLength * m_uBlockSideLength* m_uBlockSideLength * sizeof(VoxelType);
633  float fCompressedSize = calculateSizeInBytes();
634  return fCompressedSize/fRawSize;
635  }
640  template <typename VoxelType>
642  {
643  uint32_t uSizeInBytes = sizeof(LargeVolume);
645  //Memory used by the blocks
646  typename std::map<Vector3DInt32, LoadedBlock >::iterator i;
647  for(i = m_pBlocks.begin(); i != m_pBlocks.end(); i++)
648  {
649  //Inaccurate - account for rest of loaded block.
650  uSizeInBytes += i->second.block.calculateSizeInBytes();
651  }
653  //Memory used by the block cache.
654  uSizeInBytes += m_vecUncompressedBlockCache.capacity() * sizeof(LoadedBlock);
655  uSizeInBytes += m_vecUncompressedBlockCache.size() * m_uBlockSideLength * m_uBlockSideLength * m_uBlockSideLength * sizeof(VoxelType);
657  //Memory used by border data.
658  if(m_pUncompressedBorderData)
659  {
660  uSizeInBytes += m_uBlockSideLength * m_uBlockSideLength * m_uBlockSideLength * sizeof(VoxelType);
661  }
663  return uSizeInBytes;
664  }
666 }