Volumes Of Fun

Unity Integration
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Author:  johnmasterlee [ Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Unity Integration

Was doing research on possibly making my next game in voxel on the Unity game engine, and came across what you were working on here. Very impressive! Seems like you are making progress as you learn Unity, so if you need testers let me know.

On that note, how well do you think your voxel tech would work with creating big spaceships that battle each other? Usually I've seen voxels work well with terrain, but my idea was to create something up in the sky. There's hints of the possibilities with your Voxeliens game. Though instead of the aliens moving back and forth in a pattern, ships would move about with more natural spaceship movement... if you know what I mean:)

Author:  David Williams [ Sun Jun 30, 2013 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity Integration


Actually we had an idea for something like this in Voxeliens... the idea was that there would be boss levels where the boss ship was made out of voxels and you can blast holes in it. It was a cool idea but we didn't really have time to implement it (note that Voxeliens used PolyVox, but not Cubiquity or Unity3D).

Anyway, it seems you are talking about something like StarMade or ScrumbleShip, where the individual ships are made out of voxels and can move independantly to eachother? This is possible in principle but not really exposed at the moment. PolyVox can do it becuase the API is quite low-level, Cubiquity can do it in theory but I've never actually tested it, and the Cubiquity-Unity integration doesn't yet have this functionality exposed.

It will happen eventually though because I think it has a lot of interesting possibilities, and we'll be sure to add a demo to the Cubiquity-Unity integration package.

Author:  johnmasterlee [ Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity Integration

Yeah, definitely similarities to StarMade and Scrumbleship in terms of building ships. Though we're trying to see if we can pull off more of a Gratuitous Space Battles gameplay, where these voxel based ships, big and small, would battle each other. We probably can't pull off the huge number of onscreen sense that game does since it's all done in 2D, but wanted to see how far we could push it!

If you guys are open to it, we'd be happy to pay for dev or even help out regarding something like that for your Cubiquity-Unity package, if we could get it prioritized. We'll probably have to prototype first just to see if we can even pull it off. Or rather, see just how dense of a space battle we can pull off on different hardware. I'm sure it could be pretty smooth on an PC... not so sure if it could work on an Android device!

Author:  johnmasterlee [ Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity Integration

On a total side note, we actually made an arcade type of game as well called Munch Face, though more inspired by Pac-Man, and was toying around with the notion of switching from a 2D artstyle to a voxel based design. Seeing how you guys did Voxeliens, I'm inspired to see if we can do it as well!

Author:  David Williams [ Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity Integration

Allowing people to pay for specific features/enhancements is something we will consider in the future, but for now we need to focus on getting the basic Unity integration a bit more polished (this will include multiple volumes). It's very much a tech demo at the moment though we're glad to see it's generating a lot of interest.

As for remaking classic games in 3D, there's a lot of cool concept art around. Hopefully people are just waiting for a voxel engine to turn these into reality :-)

Edit: Personally I want to see a voxel remake of Lemmings or Worms... the 3D versions of those didn't do the originals justice!

Author:  johnmasterlee [ Tue Jul 02, 2013 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity Integration

Oh yeah... voxel version of Worms would totally make sense! I worked on a Worms game many moons ago. Such a great game.

BTW - Do you know if your engine is compatible with the tools that Mind Desk created, ie.

I think the combination of these two things would really make content creation for voxel based games in Unity fast and easy.

Author:  David Williams [ Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity Integration

I had some brief communication with the guy from Mind Desk when talking about file formats, but that was before we had any Unity integration working. I should talk to him again because the two products compliment each other quite nicely. I think his tool could be used for designing characters or vehicles which then live in a game world driven by Cubiquity. So yeah, we do need to cooperate I think.

Author:  johnmasterlee [ Fri Jul 05, 2013 8:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Unity Integration

That would be AWESOME if you could find ways to make the file format compatible. That would be an instant "let's go for it" for us to use both tech!

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